Properties Building Block

The Properties building block is used to enable or disable an item in ControllerMate's list of Programming Items. These items include Pages, Groups, Virtual Devices, or Driver Configurations. A pre-configured Properties building block can be created by dragging an item from the Programming Items list onto a page. Unconfigured Properties building blocks can be created by dragging them from the Palette window.

A Properties building block has one ON/OFF input and one ON/OFF output. When the input value changes, the Properties building block will modify the target item's enabled state, then update the output value to match the input.

A programming item may be assigned to a Properties building block by dragging that item from the Programming Items list onto the Inspector window. The block may be configured to enable an item, disable an item, or toggle the enabled state of an item.

In the example to the right, when input of the building block turns ON, it will enable the "Standard Settings" page. When the input of the building block turns OFF, it will disable the page named "Standard Settings".